01732 360 095

Waterproofing product certificates

The key products and systems in Newton Waterproofing’s range have undergone independent, third-party certifications, as a way of demonstrating their quality and confirming that each product meets the relevant safety standards in the construction industry.

Each third-party certification is a mark of excellence for the respective product or system, signifying that they have been tested and certified as reliable and fit-for-purpose.

BBA CertificationsBBA

HydroCoat System – HydroCoat Tanking Slurry

CDM System – Cavity Drain Waterproofing

Newtonite System – Damp Proofing


EPD CertificationsEnvironmental Product Declaration Logo

Diasen Waterproof Coatings

Cavity Drain Waterproofing Products

HydroBond Waterproofing Products


BDA Agrément CertificationsBDA

Liquid Waterproofing Membranes

External Waterproofing and Drainage Membranes


CodeMark Certifications (New Zealand only)

CDM System – Cavity Drain Waterproofing


Injection Resin CertificationsTradecc

Polyurethane Resin – PC Leakinject 2K Flex 6811 LV

Polyurethane Resin – PC Leakingject UNI 6816 E


Gas and Other Certifications

Liquid Waterproofing Membranes

External Waterproofing and Drainage Membranes

Speak to our friendly, expert team

Our staff are able to provide guidance for projects of all sizes, whether you require some general advice about damp or waterproofing, or support with technical drawings and specifications.

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